economic development

Oregon coast visitors spend about $840,000,000 on food stores and food services annually, contributing tremendous amounts of new money to our local economies each year. Even just a 10% increase in local seafood usage on the Oregon Coast would generate an additional $90 million for local economies.

quick facts

  • In 2021 alone, Oregon imported $105 million of seafood (Source)

  • OCVA estimates that $252,000,000 was lost from the Oregon Coast food systems economic due to economic leakage (Source: OCVA)

  • Research indicates that a 10% increase in local seafood usage on the Oregon Coast would generate an additional $90 million for local economies (Source)

  • OCVA has found that ‘False scarcity' of locally sourced seafood denies emerging entrepreneurs the opportunity to experiment.

  • Oregon Dungeness Crab Fishery Volume and Price Trends (Source)

get involved

  • Catalyze Entrepreneurs

    A true revisioning of Oregon’s seafood economy will require new entrepreneurship. Provide support through business incubators, mentorship, and grants/loans. Focus investments on value-added products such as canned seafood and other shelf-stable products.

  • Collaborative Business Models

    Invest in collaborative business models that reduce start-up risk, time, and effort. Examples include food hubs, community-supported fisheries, fisheries-endorsed restaurants, and shared infrastructure.

  • Rebrand Local Species

    Spark shifts in consumer preferences by strategically rebranding local species.

    • Albacore is the new Ahi

    • Black Cod is the new Salmon

    • Pink Shrimp are the new Prawns

    • Rockfish is the new Tilapia

    • Nori is the new Potato Chip

  • coastwide seafood event

    Generate visitation and interest in local seafood through a seafood event, such as a fish taco week, local seafood pass, or local seafood markets.