Stories about the Oregon coast and those who are working to relocalize its food system.

Local seafood good for the heart, mind and conscience
Many on the Oregon Coast choose to consume locally sourced seafood products because of the freshness and quality, in addition to supporting friends and neighbors in the communities where the seafood industry is a pillar. It’s commonly known that seafood in general is good for the heart and mind, but locally sourced seafood carries even more significant benefits for public health. Supporting our local friends and neighbors in the fishing community also feels good.

Looking to electrify your delivery routes? Coastal businesses eligible for programs to install electric vehicle charging stations
Businesses looking to add electronic vehicle charging stations could be eligible for federal and state incentives, if they apply by the end of the year.

Success Story From the Boat to the Food Truck
Newport News Times recently featured a story about some of the success the local Oregon Food Supply Chain is experiencing through the hard work of all of us at The Peoples Coast.

West Coast Seafood Processors Association and Local Processors to be Awarded Grant
The Oregon International Port of Coos Bay and the West Coast Seafood Processors Association, in partnership with local seafood processors, received notice of award for grant funding to conduct a feasibility study intended to evaluate opportunities to construct a multi-user byproduct recovery center on Port property in Charleston.

Featured In The Oregon Business Magazine
This May we were featured in the Oregon Business Magazine where they gave a great shout to what we're doing to bring that back to Oregon.

Buying local seafood supports human rights
It’s been known for a long time that eating local is good for the environment, the economy and the health of the consumer. But recent reports are showing that human rights and the rule of law also are at stake when consumers make eating choices, particularly when it comes to seafood.